AM with Sabra Lane

Mental health services struggle with demand

Around Australia, there are concerns the country's mental health system is not strong enough to cope with growing demand. Doctors describe the situation as a "crisis" and the worst they've seen and they warn urgent intervention is needed to support the sector. It comes as one national community-funded phone support service signals it's on the brink of collapse.

Duration: 3min 12sec. Broadcast: Wed 5 May 2021, 8:00am

More Information

Georgia Sallybanks "Odette", Australian singer songwriter
Rachel Green, SANE Australia CEO
Dr Helen Schultz, consultant psychiatrist

Studio Mallt

Malt, a Melbourne based boutique design studio, producing professional brand, print, web and digital design that brews impact. Our core aim is to deliver effective and exceptional design whilst having a strong understanding of our client needs and their targeted audiences.

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